Youtube is one of the most popular
video sharing nowadays. Many kinds of video people upload
here. Also, it is very famous here, for some internet provider it can be an indicator how fast internet they have by trying to streaming
Youtube video. So, this is must have extensions for people like me who often to watching video on
Youtube so we can more enjoy it.
Adblock for Youtube |
Recently, when I watched
Youtube video, I found too many ads on video before video playing and when video is playing even after I have instaled Adblock extension. Too annoying for me. At first, I think it's ok, because they need money for video they make and youtube is also we -as a user- didn't pay something for
Youtube so ads must be they massive income. But.. it becomes really bothering me. You have to wait 5s before you watch the video. But with this extension, it can disable the ads-at least it prevents youtube play ads video before we watch our video-.
Youtube Unblocker |
There is a policy in youtube to make video only available for some countries. For example when I want to watch badminton match, bwf.tv makes it not available on my country. It's said many ways to unblock it, but my favorite is using this extension. Because it's really simple just few kBs. You don't have to install any software. This extention made by germany. Now, it also available for
Opera, and
warning: video not available in your country |
Chrome Youtube Downloader |
To be honest, I haven't try it, but there is many good review about this add-on. Previously I tend to use DownloadHelper on
Firefox. Nowadays because, my hard disk is almost full also I have a good internet connection so I don't really need it. But somehow, this kind of extension is really useful, so I must have it.
This is just by my opinion only as a user.
This extension actually for chrome but maybe you could find similar kind of it on other browser.
For (1) you can directly install it from google market, but (2) and (3) you have to download the .crx file extension from their website then in chrome address bar open:
then to install the extension just simply drag the .crx file extension on it.
This expansion seems to be very interesting and amazing.. lets go with the flow and experience this new Google chrome YouTube extension.